Blogs > Second Wind

Jeff Wolfe has been an avid runner for years, including running cross country in high school and college, though he's not as fast now as he once was. This blog is designed for high school runners, and their coaches and parents in Delaware County.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice, Ice Baby and a quote

Here are a few reminders for those of you who are dedicated enough to get outside and run during these often dreary looking days of winter, even when there's ice or packed snow on the ground.
Ice can be the worst, because if you're running on streets, it is not always the easiest thing to see. So, if you're going straight ahead and hit a small patch of ice, just try to keep going straight. If you suspect any ice at all, don't run nearly as aggressively, or else you'll be asking for a fall.
The main thing on icy roads to be super careful when making a turns, or turning around. Even if it looks dry, take your time, even to the point of almost stopping, if you have to. That beats falling and hurting yourself and not being able to run for an extended time. And you're probably not going to set any PRs on a slippery road anyway, so what does a couple of seconds matter on this kind of day? They don't.
Just be thankful you were able to get out the door and hopefully stay on your feet.
So, here's a quote from George Bernard Shaw to motivate you to run when everybody else thinks you're crazy.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

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